USA – TODAY Best-selling author writing romance with a twist!
My mind is a playground for jovial insanity.
Holiday Reads | The Brother Disciples Series | The Zodiac Lovers | The Raven Maxim Series | The Rem Series | Silver Nitrate | Cross Climax | The Gutter Series | The Race to Redemption Series | Standalone Titles | Saint Series | Swirled Satin Sheets | The Blood Series | The Seven Deadly Kins | London Knight
The Zodiac Lovers
If you are able to handle the heat, then put on your seat belt and get ready for the erotic ride of a lifetime.
The Zodiac Lovers Series – The 12 Signs of Love
Silver Nitrate
Standalone Titles

I Want Candy
Saint Series
The Seven Deadly Kins
London Knight
I also have another penname for those of you that like to read about things that go bump in the night! My second author name is London Knight. Please feel free to take a look at these psychological thrillers.