The Blood series
“Addicted In Cold Blood” – (alien sci-fi/interracial erotic) – This is the story of an alien who was sent to Earth to eradicate the drug trade. There is only one problem, and her name is Officer Jayme Knight. When Xzion, the beautifully crafted man from the planet Zarkstorm falls for the woman hard, he realized the very thing he has been fighting while on Earth, he actually becomes…
“The Tale of the Blood Diamond.” – This is the sequel to, “Addicted In Cold Blood.” Xzion warned his wife that things were underway…terrible things. That never stopped him from trying to protect her from the entire truth. However, things have now gotten completely out of control, and he must reveal the true nature of the situation at hand. Planet Earth is under attack by not one, but three alien beings that wish to destroy and control everything that Jayme Knight, his mate, holds dear. Xzion is prepped to have the biggest fight of his life, for so much is at stake. Can he save the world, and keep his family in tact? Check out the book and find out.